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Project Info


Public Transport Authority (PTA)


Fremantle WA


Apr 2016  Jun 2016

Fremantle Station Rewiring


Due to the age of this train station cabling and switchboards the Public Transport Authority engaged Hender Lee (HLE) to completely rewire the Fremantle Train Station.


  • Complete removal, documentation and upgrade of all existing cabling and switchboard systems.

  • Integration of a new emergency lighting system.

  • The replacement of all distribution switchboards.

  • The upgrade of the station main switchboard

  • EWP access to an operational train platform.

  • The complex scheduling of shut downs and works around an operational train station 

  • The development and execution of an extensive ITP plan and tests. 

  • Earthing and bonding upgrades and new installations.


HLE completely removed the entire Train Station Electrical system and replaced (upgraded) all of the electrical, lighting and control systems to the Fremantle Train Station while the station was fully operational. The works were undertaken without disruption to train operations or to the operation and public access of the train station.


The cabling and switchboards were upgraded and replaced on progressive micro shut downs eliminating any need for prolonged outages. HLE provided after hours shut downs to incorporate new main feeders and a new Central Station DB and some works were performed during normal working hours.


As we were installing new RCD protection to rewired circuits, the included older light fitting and equipment testing was conducted prior to shut downs to establish compliance of existing equipment prior to each RCD upgrade. This mitigated the shut down time and any issues arising during final commissioning.


We also upgraded the emergency lighting monitoring and control systems.  We worked around the Fremantle Heritage council requirements, train movements and the Station PTA priorities including staff movements to deliver this complex and challenging scope of work without disruption or incident.

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