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Project Info


City Of Rockingham


Safety Bay, WA 6169


Jan 2020 - May 2021

Georgetown Reserve
Sports Lighting Upgrade



Hender Lee Electrical were engaged by the City of Rockingham for the removal of the existing Floodlights and Poles, as well as the installation of new Sports Lighting Infrastructure along with the supporting electrical system on site; in order to operate and maintain the new LED flood lights for Georgetown Reserve.


The project was completed on time with minimal disruption to facilities, the city and the public, within budget and with no lost time injuries.




a) Remove existing twelve (12) HID flood lights installed on existing four light poles at site along with associated accessories and returned to the depot as per instructions of the City.

b) Three of the existing light poles to be removed and reused at new locations as per design drawing except one existing light pole (marked as pole 4) to be used at its existing location for installation of new LED flood lights.

c) Two new 20m light poles to be installed at site as per design drawing. Location to be finalised on site in consultation with the City as per design drawings.

d) Install Eighteen (18) new LED Flood Lights (Raptor 1200 Gen 2 as confirmed in the design drawings) on six different light poles at specific locations on site as per instructions of lighting supplier/manufacturer.

e) Install new LED Raptor 2 Flood Lights as specified.

f) Installation of all new LED Flood lights on new and existing light poles need to be completed as per instructions of the supplier and manufacturer.

g) The drivers for new LED flood lights and other associated accessories shall be installed within the new lighting control distribution board (LCDB) and new DB to be designed to ensure adequate ventilation and cooling is maintained within the board as per instructions of the flood light supplier/manufacturer.

h) Cooling system to be installed for new LCDB in order to maintain internal temperature below allowed temperature for drivers (as per suppliers instructions) and shall be automatic operation as per temperature settings and only operational when required as per temperature limit set up. Dehumidifier shall also be installed in consultation with the City.

i) Install new and existing light poles at site as marked in the design drawing in order to sustain minimum mounting height of 20m above ground level at respective spot at site.

j) Existing light poles intended to be reused and need to be reassessed for structural strength and certification to be provided against new LED flood loadings prior to reuse of existing light poles in consultation with the City.

k) Provide structural drawings along with structural certifications for proposed new light poles including the drawings and details of the footings to discuss and get approval from the City’s representative prior to order placement.

l) Qualified Geotechnical professional shall be consulted to provide report on Geo tech studies of the site for each location of the light pole and as requested by the City.m) Qualified surveyor shall be hired in order to complete the survey and mark the locations of the new proposed light poles and for poles to be relocated as per design drawing.

n) Final pole locations shall be pegged by the surveyor and requested for approval from City’s representative prior to start of any light pole relocation or installations at site.

o) New detailed shop drawings of new switchboard to be installed at site shall be provided to City for review and requested for approval prior to order placement of new Switchboard as per design drawings.

p) New switchboard and other electrical installations shall be planned in order to avoid power interruption to existing services at site otherwise need to seek written approval from the City in order to carry on with new installations at site.

q) Check and verify the integrity of the existing cables and conduits in case need to be retained for reuse and conformance shall be checked for electrical properties such as voltage drop, current capacity, type and size of cable and conduit, fault loop impedance and similar to ensure compliance to AS3000 and other relevant Australian Standards. Results of all tests conducted on site to check existing circuits shall be discussed with the City and shall seek permission to start any work on site.

r) In case existing circuits not suitable to be used, the contractor shall provide details of the complete proposal for the replacement of relevant existing circuit accessories and get approved by the City prior to order placement.

s) Check and verify the existing sub main cable between SMSB and Main Distribution Board (MDB) inside Clubrooms for new loads and other compliance checks. Minimum recommended size of sub mains is 50 sqmm XLPE 4C+E Orange Circ 90 deg C PVC (Double Insulated) Copper Conductor with respect to new installations which contractor shall check and confirm on site along with electrical plan for City’s approval.

t) New Sports LCDB shall enclose the Lightpin control system (Supplied by Light Application) for the control of operation of new flood lights as per design drawings (Refer to detail H in the design drawing. Minimum IP65 rating to be maintained for control system objects installed outside the new LCDB.

u) Two Position pushbuttons shall be installed as part of new control system which will be manual override to the pin pad based control system.

v) All circuit protection devices need to be checked and verified at site as per design drawing for each new proposed circuit and any required changes to proposed protection devices, cables sizes or so as part of design drawings need to be discussed and approved by the City’s representative prior to installations at site.

w) Power Supply to New Sports DB to be extended from existing MDB and need to check and confirm for available poles and slots for extension of new proposed electrical circuit. Minimum recommended size of the cable shall be 25 sqmm XLPE 4C + E Orange Circ 90 deg Copper Conductor Double Insulated PVC.

x) Multicore cables to be extended from each driver of the flood light and separate cable shall be installed for connecting lights on each pole as per details provided in the design drawing.

y) All light control accessories related to control system and relevant contactors shall be installed inside the new Sports Distribution Board at Clubrooms.

z) Connection of all new flood lights and reconnection of existing loads at site shall be completed such that load is balanced and distributed across all phases to optimum level as far as possible.

aa) Final circuit layouts and locations of the proposed cable pits as per design drawing need to be finalized on site in consultation with the City. No in-line joints for permitted across the overall installation of the new circuits at site.

bb) New power conduits and spare conduits shall be laid as specified in the design drawing and to minimum depth of 600mm below ground level with orange marker tape at 300mm. cc) All cable and conduit installations at site shall be completed with open trenching and as per directions of the City. In case new cable layout need to cross the playground, installation details and permission must be requested from the City prior to installation.

dd) Check and verify the existing electrical infrastructure at site sustain sufficient physical space and electrical spacing in order to install and connect new electrical circuits along with reconnection of existing circuits.

ee) Install control Lightpin control system as per design drawing and as per instructions of the supplier i.e. Light Application.

ff) Install driver gear and other associated accessories for installation of LED flood lights as per supplier instructions such that LED drivers installed within the LCDB sustain minimum recommended clearances to protect against overheating and damage.

gg) Top of the pole the cable extension to terminate into LED flood light shall be installed using Anaconda flexible metal conduits for mechanical, environmental and birds protection.

hh) All new Cable pits shall be trafficable type with minimum class level D (Heavy Duty) as per AS 3996.

ii) Check and verify the site load conditions for existing and new loads for Site Main switchboard (SMSB) and confirm for the final loads on site as part of the commissioning exercise.

jj) All flood lights to be installed as per tilt and orientation given in the design drawing and table 7 as per instructions of the supplier.

kk) Check the new proposed cables from base of pole to lights for conformance to voltage drop and other requirements as per AS3000 and get confirmation from City prior to installation of cables and conduits for final sub circuits. No in line cable joints permitted.

ll) Install cables, conduits and respective protective devices as specified in the design drawing in order to establish all proposed circuits connecting six new light poles.

mm) All multicore cables connecting the drivers and LED fixtures on top of the pole shall be multicore 1.5 sqmm PVC double insulated 90 deg C Cables installed within new power conduits. Spare equivalent size conduit need to be installed along with new power conduits for future purposes and draw wires to be included as part of installation.

nn) New CA7 contactor (c4 in the control schematic) to be installed to control and operate the 50 lux operation for field B and need to be installed with electronic On delay timer (CRE7) with 1 sec delay. CA7 (Contactor) and CRZE7 (timer) are manufactured by Sprecher +Schuh and equivalent similar devices can be used in consultation with the City as far as speciation and operational aspect is not compromised. LED Drivers) as applicable.

oo) Complete installations and relevant testing along with documentation as per WAER and AS 3000 standards.

pp) Post lux audit shall be undertaken and completed with 10m x 10m grid for all three soccer fields for respective modes of operation followed by analysis report submission for the night audit results as per AS2560.2.3 :2007

qq) Locate underground services to ensure no damage during the construction works.

rr) Provide traffic management during construction at all times in order to ensure safe work and keep the play areas and public at safe distance all times during construction phase.

ss) Vehicle access to the ground as required by the City have to be maintained at all times.

tt) Provide notices to any affected parties advising of upcoming disruptions and provide two weeks’ notice prior to commencing work.

uu) Earthing need to be as per AS/NZS3000 requirements.

vv) Making good and reinstate all surfaces damaged during installation of the works.ww) Testing and commissioning of the entire electrical works.


xx) As constructed drawings and manuals, OEM specifications, maintenance manual and details of expected lamp life/lifetime operational hours.










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