Project Info
Kwinana, WA
July 2020 - June 2021
Synergy Kwinana Power Station
New Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant- E+I Installation Works For Osmoflo Water MGNT
Completion of end to end installation and pre/wet commissioning of a new patent technology Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant established within the Synergy Kwinana Power Station in Naval Base, Perth WA.
Synergy Power Station in Kwinana supplies hundreds of thousands of households in the South of Perth region via 2 Gas turbines situated in the plant. The delivery of this project has now enabled Synergy to lengthen the life span of these Gas turbines (Government owned critical infrastructure assets of Western Australia) by producing a purified cooling system/water to spray the Gas turbine cooling fans, which the existing plant did not have the capacity nor technology to do so and as such, the Gas turbines would need to be replaced frequently at the cost of West Australian tax payers.
Osmoflo are world-wide leaders in the water industry and delivering this project for them only furthers our own capabilities and capacity to deliver future water infrastructure projects nationwide. We delivered this project on time and on budget with no injuries or incidents, which only solidified our ongoing reputation we had with Client – Synergy, following the delivery of a New Switchroom 6.6KV transformers and RMU in the year 2019.
Installation of MCC Switchboard
Installation of A/C Distribution Boards
Installation of UPS, Battery Bank and Distribution Board
Installation of Small Power and Lighting Distribution Board
Installation of VSD’s within the MCC/Switchroom
Installation of Air-conditioner within the MCC/Switchroom and outdoor units
Supply and Installation of Local GPO’s and Isolators within the plant area.
Installation of lighting fixtures and lighting within the WTP and external to the Shed.
Installation of Single-Phase dosing panel within the MCC/Switchroom
Installation of EDI Rectifier panel within the MCC/Switchroom
Control Equipment including PLC Integration.
Installation of PLC Cabinets within the MCC/Switchroom
Installation of 1 off - RIO Panel within the WTP Shed
All applicable cable installations, fixings and terminations to site specifications
All testing, commissioning, as-builts and manuals