Project Info
The City of Rockingham
Rockingham WA
November 2020 to November 2023
Local Government Capital Works
The City of Rockingham Asset Delivery Contract
The City of Rockingham covers an area of 250sq Km with over 4000 light poles, other
infrastructure such as transformers and switchboards.
Hender Lee have been awarded a Standing Offer Asset Delivery Contract estimate value >$13 million over the next 36 months to upgrade Oval Lighting, Street lighting and other Electrical Infrastructure. The works commence in December 2020.
New LED Street and Sports Lighting
New Street Lighting and Sports Lighting Poles
Pole Foundations, piling excavations and de-watering
Kilometers of new under ground directional drilling
The removal, replacement and upgrade of kilometers of underground cabling
Scanning, Locating and working around extensive existing services
Vacuum Excavations
Western Power submissions, Pillar Connections and Western Power application
Structural and Civil Engineering including foundation and structural steel certifications
Major civil works and trenching including retaining, shorting, de watering and disposal of redundant soil
Demolition and removal of redundant electrical assets
Earthing and ground condition testing
The management of multiple sub-contractors and simultaneous multiple projects
The commissioning and delivery of the street lighting works will be done as an individual circuit by circuit and pole by pole basis to ensure street lighting remains operational.
The replacement or new works will need to be delivered under complex traffic management methods. Our works also have a high interface with the public. We will be delivering these works in a manner that mitigates disruption to residence and the public.
Recent Projects completed under C19/20-130 Panel Contract